February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021JOURNAL PAPERS
- Few R, Marsh H, Jain G, Singh C, Tebboth M (2021). Representing recovery: how narrative constructions shape long-term outcomes for disaster-affected people. Progress in Development Studies https://doi.org/10.1177/1464993420980939
- Nalla, Vineetha, Nihal Ranjit, and Garima Jain. 2021. “Representations of Disaster Recovery Needs : A Study of Legal Frameworks and Litigation in Odisha.” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 57 (September 2020): 102163. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102163.
- Few, Roger, Garima Jain, Chandni Singh, Mark Tebboth, Vasudha Chhotray, Hazel Marsh, Nihal Ranjit, and Mythili Madhavan. 2021. “Why Representation Matters in Disaster Recovery.” The British Academy. London, UK. https://doi.org/doi.org/10.5871/gcrf/9780856726569.001.
- Jain, Garima, Vineetha Nalla, Teja Malladi, Nilakshi Chattareji, Nihal Ranjit (2019). A long-term road to recovery for Odisha.
- Jasmitha Arvind & Nihal Ranjit (Scroll.in 2020). A tale of two states: Why disaster recovery in India needs to go beyond housing.
- Vineetha Nalla & Nihal Ranjit (The Hindu 2020). Beyond Preparedness.
- Gargi Sen, Vineetha Nalla & Garima Jain (Science.TheWire.in 2020). What Lessons Can India’s West Coast Learn From the Cyclone-Weathered East?
- Nihal Ranjit & Vineetha Nalla (Deccan Herald, 2020). How India’s experience in managing disasters can inform our COVID-19 response.